I am so excited! I have been trying to wrap my brain around switching to the common core standards while utilizing our adopted reading series (Harcourt) and incorporating many of the cute ideas found in blogland.
I believe I have found some fabulous resources that can help. The first I have blogged about as The Daily 5. I will come back to Chapter 2 tomorrow! The second awesome resource is the Clever School Teacher website by the wonderful Deedee Wills at Mrs. Wills Kindergarten. Children's literature is arranged by comprehension strategies, genre, writing traits and aligned to the common core! Books can be purchased directly from Clever School Teacher individually or by sets. Primary Graffiti and Mrs. Jump's Class blogs are both having a $25.00 giveaways for the Clever School Teacher. Check them out for details.
You can check out the Clever School Teacher by clicking on the icon found on the right side of my blog. This will bring you directly there. Did I mention FREE shipping with orders over $25.00? What's better than that?

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