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I am a first grade teacher who has rediscovered a love for firsties this year. I have taught pre-k, kindergarten, first grade and even second over the past 16 years. I have been married for 17 years to my wonderful husband and have been blessed with 2 very active boys.

Pre-K Back to School

Pre-K Back to School
Pre-K Back to School

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy
Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy
Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

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Calendar Math for Primary Grades

Calendar Math for Primary Grades
Primary Calendar for the Year

The Resourceful Apple-That's Me!

OK, I have been in a little funk!  I have always stood by the fact that I am RESOURCEFUL, not CREATIVE! 

Whether it was scrapbooking, crafting, home decor or school, I have always been resourceful.  I love finding fabulous creations and making them my own.  So why do I feel this need to be creative and make fabulous units  for my classroom and post them on TPT for all to see?

I have been buying units and supporting so many wonderful bloggers.  I applaud you! However, I have come to the conclusion, that I DON'T need to reinvent the wheel!  There are creative units out there that are exactly what I am looking for (and even some I wasn't looking for:) that I am more than happy to purchase, print, cut, laminate and cut again!

So, here's a look at what I was working on today:  Katie King's Classroom Decor Unit (from Queen of the First Grade Jungle).  I love the primary colors as they will complement my apple theme, but will match other themes if I change at some point!  She is even putting her alphabet and classroom decor units on sale tomorrow, July 25th so check it out on TPT!

OK, this is what I am talking about! Computers and I have a love/hate relationship!  I love them when they do what I want, but most of the time this doesn't happen!  OK, I took three pictures with the camera on landscape and the alphabet picture  downloads as a portrait!  WHY???

Any computer suggestions are always encouraged and appreciated here at The Resourceful Apple:)

Finally,  Wednesday is the last day to enter my birthday giveaway!  I am so excited by all the new followers and potential friends that have come about as a result of my birthday giveaway!  Remember to leave a comment that you are a follower under the birthday giveaway post and another if you blog about it before midnight. 

Mrs. Wathen


  1. I feel the same way sometimes. I will think about creating a unit for TPT and get really frustrated with it, especially when I see someone else has posted something similar. That's when I realize I need to take a step back and realize this isn't the unit for me to make. There is already something wonderful out there that I can purchase for a few bucks and support another teacher.
    Adventures in Room 5

  2. I'm a follower! I look forward to learning more about your resourcefulness!

    P.S. Your blog is so stinking cute! I'm loving the flowers along the side!

  3. I so totally agree with you..about worrying about being creative...finding just what I want already done...& being in a funk about it. Thank you for pointing out I don't HAVE be constantly creating brand new material (there's already everything out there!) & that it's just as valuable to offer resources!

    Primary Inspired

  4. I totally agree with you also Tammy. I'm sitting looking at all of these wonderful creations and thinking why aren't you doing some of these. But to be honest with you, I don't know how I would have the time. I'm impressed with some of these teachers and their willingness to sit at a computer all the time and create things. I can't do that. I am very happy to purchase them and use them in my classroom setting.

    Also, thank you so much for the Liebster Award. I truly am grateful. Have a blessed day today.

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

  5. I have been feeling the SAME way! Should I do blog too because everyone else is doing one? Should I make some cute units to sell? Maybe I should just be comfortable with the fact that I am very good at being resourceful and love finding great things to use, after all I never claim that I made something that I did not! I always say "oh that...I found it on the internet, or I got that from my very resourceful friend Tammy." So I will be resourceful and proud of it, so don't be in a funk and by the way, you are very creative!


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