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About Me

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I am a first grade teacher who has rediscovered a love for firsties this year. I have taught pre-k, kindergarten, first grade and even second over the past 16 years. I have been married for 17 years to my wonderful husband and have been blessed with 2 very active boys.

Pre-K Back to School

Pre-K Back to School
Pre-K Back to School

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy
Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy
Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Phonics Games

Phonics Games
Phonics Games
Image Map
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Graphics by: MareeTrueLove.
Widget by:Gabby Barba

Calendar Math for Primary Grades

Calendar Math for Primary Grades
Primary Calendar for the Year

For the Love of Writing

Writing is a subject I love to teach.  It is a great time to integrate a book or two to pull in examples of what good writing looks and sounds like.  I generally pull my writing trait or skill from the story.  However, sometimes a response to a life experience is all you need.  What better than a class experience?  Yes, even a fire drill prompted writing in my class:)

Sorry about the sideways picture!  I wish blogger had a rotate button!  I love the illustration of the class leaving the classroom for the fire drill.  The student wrote:  The fire drill is loud.  It is practice.  I don't get scared.  This s real life writing. 

Sometimes a little inspiration is needed on my part.  There are so many fabulous packets on TpT by creative teachers.  Holly from Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade has put together this incredible giveaway to help us all out with our writing!  I already own Pen Pals and Everyone Has an Opinion and have to say I love them.  We are starting our PenPal Questionnaires this week.  (I promise Cathy!!)


Another great file of resources can be found with Alisha at The Bubbly Blonde Teacher,  Her dear friend Tiffany  has been diagnosed with Hodkins Lymphoma Cancer.  She recently found out it is in stage 3. Tiffany is not even 30 and has a little girl, Emma.  You can show her some love by donating $20.00 and getting a file of over $200.00 in TpT resources!!  The list of files can be seen by following the link.  One word:  AMAZING!


Let's all show some random love this week... in our homes, in our classrooms, in our communities...
Life is too short to let opportunities pass us by!

Mrs. Wathen


  1. Leaving you some random love!! Thank you for commenting on my blog and finding me :) I am your latest follower too.. hope you have a wonderful night, your blog is adorable!

  2. Such cute writing! Sideways and all! LOL!

    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

    1. Lol! Computers and I don't get along so well:). It won that time!!


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