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About Me

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I am a first grade teacher who has rediscovered a love for firsties this year. I have taught pre-k, kindergarten, first grade and even second over the past 16 years. I have been married for 17 years to my wonderful husband and have been blessed with 2 very active boys.

Pre-K Back to School

Pre-K Back to School
Pre-K Back to School

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy
Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy
Pre-K/Kindergarten Literacy

Phonics Games

Phonics Games
Phonics Games
Image Map
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Graphics by: MareeTrueLove.
Widget by:Gabby Barba

Calendar Math for Primary Grades

Calendar Math for Primary Grades
Primary Calendar for the Year

September's Currently

I left for Rhode Island on Thursday after school and we just flew back to Florida this afternoon.  I can't believe how fast my long weekend went, as well as the end of August!  So ready or not, September is here and what better way to welcome the month than with Farley's Currently?

I am uploading a few pictures of my boys and the wedding,
but can't find my disc of pictures so here area few from my iphone:)

My oldest son Justin with my hubby Steve
Justin loved his tux and danced all night.
He's growing up so FAST!

My youngest son Zach with Aunti Amanda
She was the most beautiful bride!
Zachary pulled off the jacket, tie and vest when the ceremony was over!

Hope you had a great Labor Day and took some time to enjoy a labor free day:)

Mrs. Wathen


  1. Your boys are adorable! And...I too LOVE Mr. Sketch markers!
    Funky First Grade Fun

    1. Thanks for your sweet compliments for the boys:). I think so too, but am a little biased!

  2. Hello September Currently linkup pal - it looks like you had a fun Labor Day weekend wedding! Wishing you the best luck on your dieting plans. :) Halloween treats, Thanksgiving feasts, and Christmas cookies will be just around the corner - this is the toughest time of year for me to eat healthy! Loving your blog - I'm now your newest follower!

    Antonia @ forkin4th

  3. Antonia, thanks for following. You are right as there are so many tempting treats around, but there is no time like the present:). Fingers crossed!

  4. Tammy, I love your blog! It is adorable! I would love to lose a few myself, but it is so hard when you teach in a school where there is always treats around! Oh well! Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying Hi! I'm your newest follower!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

    1. Yes, treats are always tempting! Thanks for stopping by and following. I am so glad I found your blog today:)

    2. Yes, treats are always tempting! Thanks for stopping by and following. I am so glad I found your blog today:)

  5. I love Mr. Sketch smelly markers! They are the best for anchor charts. Good call on naming those as your faves. Congrats to your cousin!

    Loose Shoelaces

  6. I'm starting a fb accountability group where we can post weightloss tips, recipes, etc. Let me know if your interested. I need some check in partners.:)

  7. What lovely pictures! :) So glad I met you at the Kagan training! :) I'm your newest follower! :) Can't wait to see what else you and the firsties in your bunch cook up this year! :) See you tomorrow! :)


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