I adore Kasey over at Doodlebugs Teaching and am joining in with the linky today. Hope you join us as I {heart} peeking into other classrooms!
1. Started the week on Sunday Strawberry picking with the boys and my mom. It is one of the benefits of living in Florida in January:)
2. My kids love practicing the -le reading and spelling pattern with Bubble Reading. Bubblegum makes everything more fun!
3. My firsties are so blessed with our fifth grade reading buddies. We met ever Friday and my kids reread their library book and their buddies help them set up an their AR test. It is such a nice way to practice reading:)
4. We made our 100 words book making 10 lists that include 10 words each. The kids helped me come up with the topics like tv shows, favorite foods, classmates names and colors. I love the extra practice and they thought it was super FUN!
5. To end our 100th day, we made Froot Loop Necklaces after counting and sorting them on a 100's chart. Such a fun day:)
That was my week in a nutshell! Hope you had a fabulous week:)

Hi Tammy, just wanted to say hi! Thinking about you and hope all is well!! Looks like you had a great 100th day! Julie