I am linking up with Kasey at Doodle Bugs Teaching with Five for Friday tonight with a little of this and a little of that:)
One- On Tuesday, I had a girls day out with my cousins and aunt visiting from Rhode Island. We had lunch at the Tea Room in town which was fabulous. It was such a nice treat for me being that I have 2 boys, it is not a restaurant we frequent!
Two- On Wednesday, we took a road trip to St. Augustine for the day. At lunch, the boys were being sweet with each other, so I had to snap a QUICK picture as the moment wasn't sure to last too long! I also found an adorable sign:)
Three-I FINALLY pulled out Easter decorations. This move has really thrown me for a loop!
4- I made a little game to for the word work center called Aren't We Cute? Long u Silent e. You can check it out HERE. I will be giving 3 away to the first 3 to leave a comment with their email address!
5. I am having a little sale in my TpT store including my new unit, Aren't We Cute? A big thanks to The Creative Chalkboard for the adorable graphic. Now its time to help everyone do some spring cleaning to clear out our carts:)

So glad the weather man is calling for 80's tomorrow. Hope to FINALLY get some sun at the pool on my last day of spring break.