Weekly Happenings
1- FCAT Mania (Florida Testing) Although I teach 1st grade and the test doesn't start until 3rd, our classroom neighbors were taking the test so we had to be REALLY quiet! On top of that, our schedules changed, so our little firsties were all out of sorts... We did send daily treats to our reading buddies (5th graders) to encourage them and love on them:)You can check them all out at Technology Rocks Seriously!
2- Wrapping up Farm Fun Here in the country:) I love the Fun On the Farm For First Grade by Amanda Rich. It had perfect math and literacy ideas for my firsties. If you haven't been by her TpT store, you should check it out.
3- We started our geometry chapter in math learning about three dimensional shapes. Today, we built 3 dimensional shapes using marshmallows as vertices and toothpicks as edges. Such a fun way to end the week!
4- My younger son, Zach finished his FCAT testing this week. I spoke to his teacher about bringing a snack on Friday and decided to coordinate her "Cowboy/Cowgirl" theme with a little trail mix. The kids loved the snack and the bag label:) Dear hubby was amazed I had the graphics...shhh, I won't tell if you don't!
5-We haven't been on Starfall in quite a while because quite honestly my class got burnt out on it last year. I pulled it up for a math center this week and was pleasantly surprised with the updates including lots of math activities. I would love suggestions for FREE math websites if you have any!
I am off to watch the news. So thankful that the second bomber was caught. Prayers for the the families who have suffered loss and/or injury. So thankful for the diligence of the law enforcement agencies and first responders.. May Boston start to heal and find peace in the days ahead.

Such cute ideas! I am so glad that I don't have to so testing at our grade level. Our last chapter in math is 3-D shapes, I plan to use the toothpicks and marshmallows too:)
Surfin' Through Second
Have you tried abcya for math games? My students LOVE it.
A Day in First Grade
Love the trail mix! I'm a big cowboy theme person, how adorable! :)
Teachin' Little Texans
Cute idea with the "Trail Mix" I am doing incentives for Kendall's class this week. I think I will do Trail Mix too! Love all your ideas Tammy!
A Primary Owl