Our entire school participates in intervention groups from 8:45-9:15 four days a week. Our first grade team piloted this practice last year and saw HUGE growth when compared to the growth from the year prior.
So I am linking up with Jodi over at Fun in First with her Fly on My Wall Linky. Head on over and check out what others are doing for Intervention Groups.
After assessments are done in September and then again in January, we group out children by focus skills. This is a great way to service the children in RTI, the kids who fall through the cracks and even the children who need enrichment. Its a win-win for all the kids. Our team is also lucky enough to have our literacy coach and speech therapist take a group to help reduce the size of the groups. The children love going to intervention groups because it is something just a little different in their day.
In first grade, our groups consist of phonemic awareness, phonics, high frequency words, fluency and comprehension. I have an enrichment group for comprehension. We are working with complex texts and using a few different resources.
After regrouping in February, I began with non-fiction reading. This was the perfect month to jump into presidents and other historical figures. I used 13 American Heroes by Teacher to the Core. We read informational texts and the children followed up by reading the fluency passages and answering comprehension questions.
I am now using Jen Jones' Vocabulary Word Sets along with her Common Core Reading: . Both resources are AMAZING! The first references Utah's Text Talk Lessons. Discussions are based on actual text which aligns with common core standards. We then follow up the stories with written responses. The discussion about the stories has been taken to a higher level.
My students come back to the classroom at 9:15 ready to start out Daily 5 time. I love seeing the connections the kids make in my room to what they learned in their intervention class. It takes a bit more planning, but the results are well worth it!

Great resources!! Thanks for linking up :)