So, many are moving their list over to bloglovin'. I have to say I signed up this morning and it was REALLY easy! I am lucky I know how to turn on the computer. (OK, I might be exaggerating a little, but you got the idea!)
You can click on the icon and follow me over at bloglovin:)
Vicky, over at Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After is having a bloglovin' giveaway with some favorite products!
If you want help, Catherine at Brown Bag Teacher has a great Tutorial with pictures and a little giveaway too:)

Tammy, I'm already lovin' your blog! I really like using bloglovin'! I am having fun catching up on posts that I didn't have time to read during the school year. Better late than never! :o)
♥Teaching Fabulous Firsties!♥