My "Teachers's Pet" Product is all about making our lives easier and making connections with students and families! All people love to feel cherished and thanked. Educating children is a joint effort with school and home and Thank You Notes {Monthly Notes to Say Thank You and Build Connections} help make that connection!
My Best Couple Award goes out to the Wonders Supplemental Units {Grade One}! These units include sight word, spelling and vocabulary flashcards, home connection study guides, spelling lists for the word work center, reading and spelling games, and vocabulary worksheets for each lesson.
Each unit includes five lessons and now Unit 3 has even joined the group! Remember, even if you do not use Wonders, that's a total of 15 games between the three units for your word work center! You can click on the pictures below to take you over to TpT to view these products!
And last but not least as we stroll down memory lane is
Reading and Spelling Patterns Part 3.
This bundle includes the following games:
Rope It- Long o, Silent e
Aren't We Cute?- Long u, Silent e
Jellyfish Fun- Long e Spelled y and ie
Over the Moon- Vowel Variant /oo/ Spelled oo and ew
I have listed my entire TpT store for 20% off TODAY through Tuesday! However if you use TpT's code BTS13 you can get an extra 10% off on Sunday and Monday for a combined 28% off!

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