I love a good bargain as much as the next person, but I have to say I am disappointed with retail opening on Thanksgiving:( With that said I am holding off until midnight to shop and sell!
What?? You say... I am joining a group of my blogging buddies and offering my entire TpT at 20% off on Black Friday. This is for those of you avoiding the stores tomorrow and those who need to prep BEFORE Monday!

I know, I know...Cyber Monday is on MONDAY! So I am joinging TpT's sale for CYBER MONDAY and TUESDAY and offering 20% off along with their 10% off for a whopping total of 28% off your favorite products!
I am working on my new All About Nouns Unit. It will include fun games, recording sheets and assessment sheets for common nouns, plural nouns and proper nouns. I have found that our reading series lacks grammar assessment and feel that this is an important component to language arts. I will update you with the link when it is available.
For those who need additional practice with sight words, check out the following units. Just click on the image and it will take you over to TpT so you can see some sample pages.
Finally, a time saving unit for you Wonders users. This is my newest unit posted, WONDERS Supplemental Unit Grade One-Unit 5. However Units 1-4 are also available in my store. I am hoping to have the final unit, Unit 6, available before Monday.
I am thankful to each and everyone of you for following my blog. I am having a FLASH freebie for Thanksgiving Day only. Enjoy my Thank You Notes as my thank you to YOU!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!