I have broken down the first 500 Fry words into units. Each 100 word unit comes with a master check off sheet for assessment, take home sheets for practice with parents, flash cards for classroom practice and an award for each 100 words learned! Each 100 word unit comes in its own theme for easy storage and organization:)
I have shared these units with my team and everyone seems to take and use it in a different way. I love when a product (that I create or purchase) can be adapted and changed to fit my needs. My sweet friend and teaching buddy Robin went to McDonalds and had French fry containers donated.
I finally made my way there (for another reason than a Diet Coke!) and
Each child's name is written on the inside of the container and each week they can earn a French Fry for their container. I have never seen such excitement over French Fries that CAN'T be eaten!!
I do have to say that I modified the process for my class. In addition to the 6 high frequency words from our Wonders series that every child is accountable for, I have assigned 4 Fry words to each child's weekly words that are TESTED and GRADED on Fridays.
OK, truth be told, I have NO IDEA why my pictures are loading sideways, but I will retake the pictures tomorrow:) On the left is my master check off and on the right is a picture of the bottom of my newsletter. I have the 6 Wonders words listed and then I write in each child's 4 additional words. It takes a bit of time, but I have a system finally going and I love the differentiation.
The Fry words that the child is able to successfully read are written on the yellow "Fry" and added to the McDonalds French Fry container. Children are able to pull them and practice with a partner occasionally. If a child misses a word, they get the same word the following week with a * in front of it to remind the parent, the student and myself that this word is challenging to the student and needs extra practice.
I have also bundles the Fry Words 1-500 into the Mega Bundle. If you would like to see more, click HERE!
I would LOVE to hear what you do to differentiate your sight word practice! Leave me a note or pin this unit and leave the URL and I will give one away on Thursday!