This weeks has been such a fun and busy week! I am joining Kasey at Doodle Bugs Teaching with Five For Friday!

Five for Friday Read Across America Style!
Barb Drake is another teacher on my team who has a fish theme to she chose One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish for her door this week. So cute!
And last but not least, my teaching buddy Stephanie Burnett is a Dr. Seuss fanatic. She ran with it and has this adorable Lorax door and entryway!
Our school had guest readers in every classroom today and our classroom reader ended up being a grandmother of one of my students. What a sweet memory to have gramdma read to your class! The kids loved listening to The Lorax as many had seen the movie. I was surprised at how many kids have NOT heard the book! I can't wait to jump into some Dr. Seuss projects next week.
Here is my son Zachary hanging out until 5:00pm while I decorated my classroom door. The things kids do to entertain themselves. I am just glad that he didn't land on his head!
There is 3 hours left on the Teachers Pay Teachers Sale tonight to shop! Everything in my shop is 20% off and if you enter the code TPT3 you get an extra 10% off for purchase from TpT!

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