I am linking up today with Kasey at Doodlebugs Teaching. After trial and error on and off for two years, I FINALLY have my math centers up and running. OK, truth be told, it is going smoothly with the help of my super sweet intern, Michelle!
Math with Teacher
Math at the Computer
This week our students took the Star Math Test during their rotation to the computer center. It is an easy way to see what standards we still need to work on as well as what they are retaining!
Skill Building
Students work in a group on something previously taught. They are generally engaged in hands on activities and games. Here is my group practicing with tens and ones from this super cute place value unit by Tamara Russell from Mrs. Russell's Room.
Ipads are a super fun way to build in practice while having fun. This year I have the inclusion room so I have 4 Ipads in my classroom. I have them on little tables close to the ground. Splash into Math for first grade is a go to app right now.
Integrated Science
I have integrated Science and Social Studies into our reading and math blocks to maximize our time and to help our students make the connections across content area. We might do an experiment, work in our workbooks, write about something we learned or read the leveled books that come with our series. My intern is currently working on a nonfiction unit with my students. More to come on that:)
Wow! It has been a super busy week! I will be posting soon about the ins and outs of our math centers. Let me know if you have any questions and I will try to address them.

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