Have you heard the news?! TpT is having a Cyber Monday Sale! My entire store is 20% off TODAY through Tuesday! Use the code TPTCYBER on Monday and Tuesday for an EXTRA 10% OFF!
Thank you, Rachel Lamb, for the fabulous graphic!
I have been spending my Sunday leaving feedback on PAST purchases to earn CREDITS towards FUTURE purchases (like say...at midnight!!) and adding to my WISHLIST!!
AS IF...my wish list wasn't already SUPER long!! So now I need to prioritize for Monday's purchases in order to leave feedback to earn MORE credits for Tuesday's purchases!!
Don't you LOVE Krista Walden's graphics? My wish list is filled with so many products from her store!
Does anyone want to join me in a SUPPORT GROUP for TpT addicts?
Ok, so let's talk about some of the things you HAVE to HAVE to HAVE this holiday season!
I am JUMPING into the word of Math Centers TOMORROW! I have tried before, but we only have an hour for Math and our Go Math lessons take up most of the hour. I have decided to reduce the Go Math lesson and start this week with ONE center rotation a day. By Friday, my students will complete all 5 lessons!
I worked over Thanksgiving break on December Centers {Math for Firsties}. My firsties LOVE hands on centers and adding a Christmas theme to them makes then a win-win!!
Some fun, engaging math activities include Number Order from 1-120, Place Value with Tens and Ones, Addition with Sums to 20, Skip Counting with 2's, 5's and 10's and Measure Up with Inches and Centimeters.
I will be using these centers in my classroom over the next two weeks and you can be sure I will be sharing our experience with math centers with you all!
Here's a peek at what's on my wishlist for this fun sale!
You can read all about Can't Catch Me! over at The Applicious Teacher! Leigh has a great blog post showcasing the5 ELA activities, 7 math activities and additional pintables! I can't wait to use this with my class.
Holiday Flip Flap books are the perfect addition to your ELA, Science and Social Studies interactive notebooks! You should head on over to Amanda's blog, Mrs. Richardson's Class, to find some more adorable ideas:)
While you are over at my TpT store, be sure to grab this FREEBIE!
My friends are having a sale too, be sure to stop by their pages to check out what goodies they've got on sale AND what's in their cart this holiday season!