As a woman, a mom and a primary teacher, I have to say I love reading! I read for enjoyment, for professional development, and for gaining knowledge on raising boys and being a better wife and mom. I pick what I am interested in and don't worry about readability, the book level or a possible AR test! I read because I LOVE reading!
A quick glance at my nightstand boasts my summer picks and my cherished Nook! Professional books are the only ones I don't purchase on the Nook as I like to highlight, take notes and insert post its for easy reference.
So reading is part of my life. I read to my children while I was pregnant. I read to them as babies. I know the research. Literacy is my passion!
But then my boys learned to walk...and talk...and they couldn't get away from books fast enough! They had no interest as they were on the move! I quickly learned to capture their attention at bed time as they were a captive audience with no where to go! They would pick a book or two for us to read each night... Those were the days!
So let's have some #realtalk! My boys don't LOVE to read anymore! Most days, they don't even like to read. Insert heavy sigh here. This mama's heart is so sad. This teacher's heart is heavy. How can I blog about fostering a love of reading with my students when my own children have missed the boat on this?
Do we, as a school system, turn children away from reading? We test their sight words, their fluency and their comprehension. When they finish a book, they take an AR test. With Common Core and other state standards, we are modeling for students how to dig deeper into the test. This takes multiple readings of the same text. We are encouraging students to read more non-fiction. They need to site text evidence. And then at the end of the year they need to take a state reading test.
My goal for my boys and for my students is to foster a love of reading. So when my youngest says he wants the next book in the Nate the Great series, I am going embrace this and encourage it. You see, earlier this summer, I tried to talk him into reading books with a higher reading level and deeper content. He totally fell asleep while reading!! #epicfail
Jen Jones from Hello Literacy shares how to find out 7 ways to get your kids to know without even realizing it!! Jen cautions us away from "summer mandated reading time" because isn't that what we as parents and teachers avoid the summer slide?
I challenge you to join me in finding meaningful ways to encourage our children and students to read throughout the summer! I am going to suggest some of the apps from Hello Literacy's post to my own kids and maybe...just maybe...I can sneak a little more reading in!