I am sorry I have been MIA, but in the past month we literally found a new house and closed three days before Christmas! Needless to say, life has been crazy but we are settling in and I am glad to be back.

Our curriculum is mandated by the county and we introduce a letter of the week during small group rotations. That is not to say that ALL letters are not talked about during whole group, small group and centers. This also helps build vocabulary with my English Language Learners. I use my Interactive Alphabet Activities several times a week to build on this.

In math, we are working on comparing numbers using the terms equal, more and less than. We used lots of hands on manipulatives including beans, cubes and LOTS of seasonal erasers from my favorite store... I am working on including this work mat in a Counting Freebie with a Winters Theme to be on Teachers Pay Teachers later this weekend. Be sure to follow me on Facebook for the latest updates.

My time with my pre-k friends is so short as I have two half day sessions. This being said, we don't have time to watch movies or videos. Sometimes I can work in a short clip from You Tube about a subject or theme to peak the interest of my students, but this is usually limited to about five minutes or so. This being said, I have to say we LOVE this video! It totally engages the children and they sing the catchy letter song ALL DAY LONG! Several of my friends even asked for it for Christmas!
Paint stick snowmen were a hit this week with the kids! We did add snowmen fabric after this picture was taken. We used tempera paint which took a few coats as it soaked into the paint sticks. My suggestion would be to either spray paint the white ahead of time or use acrylic paint.

Be sure to head over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to see what other teachers were up to this week!