Circle time is where we start our day and come back to through out our day for stories, songs, games and other fun activities. As one of our pre-k standards, we are working on counting words in a sentence. Drawing boxes around the words gives students a visual to understand that letters make words and words make sentences. My little helper of the day gets to lead our morning calendar time. I love watching their confidence grow during this time. Our poems and songs build rhythm and rhyme as we work on phonological awareness.
They are a super collection of original poems and favorite nursery rhymes.
Small group is the time we introduce new concepts, provide practice for prior skills taught and work together in fun, meaningful ways. We have five rotations consisting of Listening/Library Center, Math, Literacy, Computer and the Independent Learning Table. The Math and Literacy tables are teacher and para led while the Independent Learning table is usually manipulative based and builds on out literacy and math concepts. Class books, glitter number rubbings, games and poetry notebooks are favorites again and again.
Alphabet Mats cane be found here Alphabet Mats are perfect for play dough,
small manipulatives for fine motor engagement and letter formation.
Thanks for stopping by for a Peek Into Pre-k {December}.
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Happy December Friends!

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