Happy Back to School Season! It’s that crazy, exciting time of the year again! Getting your classroom ready, organizing a million papers, and preparing for a new group of kiddos to love on for the year is exhilarating, but can exhausting if you don't practice self-care.
As teacher-authors, we are so grateful that you allow us to be a part of your classrooms and lives and want to give you a big virtual hug in the form of a giveaway. We know that teachers can use a little bit of extra love this time of year, and I have teamed up with some amazing teacher-authors to show one lucky teacher LOTS of love with a pair of the brightest and most comfy teacher shoes ever, a pair of Tieks! AND a 2 $175 gift cards (one to Teachers Pay Teachers and one to Amazon!!!!)!!! Whoop!
You can enter the giveaway up to 66 times!!! I'm not kidding! Enter now in the Rafflecopter below! Best of luck!
Prize: One winner will receive a $200.00 Tieks Gift Card, a $175 TPT Gift Card, and a $175 Amazon Gift Card.
Entry: Use the Rafflecopter below to enter! The giveaway runs August 3rd-August 11th. The winner will be announced and contacted on August 12th.
Co-Hosts: A special thank you to Southern Drawl, Color Me Kinder, Real Life in First Grade, History at Home, Sugar Cube Learning, Wild Child Designs, Lindsey's Classroom Creations, Learning and Loving It - Andrea Rodriguez, Elementary Island, Tried and True Teaching Tools, Thinking Outside the Lines, Lory Evans, Coast 2 Coast Teacher, Kim Heuer, PrintablePrompts, Tara Hardink - My First Grade Zoo, Contemporary Teaching, Teaching Superkids, There's No Crying in Teaching, Krejci Creations, Julie Davis - Big Ideas for Little Hands, Bethany McClure - Teaching for Fun, Teach Without Tears, Emilee Ray - For the Teacher, Stefbub, Teaching in My Flip Flops, A Library and Garden, Literacy and Lattes, Teach Me T, Reading is My Jam, The Beezy Teacher, Memoirs of an Educator, Bailey's Corner, Savvy Teaching Tips, Krafty Teacher, The Marvelous Middle, Teacher Gameroom, Mentoring in the Middle, Laura Kelly Classroom, Teaching Tidbits and More with Jamie, Rainbow City Learning, Saved by a Bell, The Happy Bilingual Classroom, Tina Peyerk, Primary Fairy Tales, Sparkle in Second, Kinderbrations, Setting the Standard, Priscilla Woodard - Tasked 2 Teach, Catch My Products, Learned Lessons, Primary Planet by Hilary Gard, My Kinder Garden, The Resourceful Apple, Mrs. Richard EE Resources, A Spot of Curriculum, Teaching is a Gift by Sidney McKay, Pocketful of Centers, Barbara Kilburn, Kindergarten Rocks, Taryn's Unique Learning, Adventures in Room 109, Smith Safari Adventures, for participating in this fabulous teacher giveaway! Be sure to check out their TPT stores!
Happy Entering!

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